Did you know Jason Momoa has his own vodka? Now, you do.
I’m going into a different direction for the blog for this post. I know you’re used to me reviewing hair care and child products but I think it’s time to do something for the adults.
So, my bestie told me Jason Momoa had his own liquor product out. I was like, ‘What?’ It seems a lot of celebrities are branching out into other things besides the usual fragrance and clothing fare, which I fully support.

Liquor, however, is a wholly different ballgame.
I’m not a vodka connoisseur by any means. I love it straight, and I love it mixed in with juice or tonic water. I have a favorite (I’ll talk about that one in a different post), but I love to try new ones.
Enter Meili Vodka.
Jason Momoa and his partner, Blaine Halvorson, created Meili (pronounced MAY-lee) to have a clean-tasting vodka from one of the cleanest water sources in the world.
It’s affordable (it’s available just about everywhere), but it’s also limited edition, so you need to grab a bottle!

The review (from the hubby):
Very nice, smooth, easy on the intake, pleasant, no side effects with hangover.
My review:
It’s surprisingly affordable (the most expensive I’ve seen was $25/bottle; the least expensive was $19.99). It’s very smooth, with a touch of sweetness.
I highly recommend this vodka and so does the hubby! Go grab a bottle!